Coupon Management in the Candid Site
Work I have Done on 2011-03-31 I have completed the coupon management. You can check the coupon management and the active code is 1111 which will deduce the $10 from the total amount. Started to work in the CSV of DGC. What i have learnt today?? Easiest way to integrate coupon code in the opencart In the controller if(isset($this->session->data['coupon'])){ $coupon_price= $this->model_checkout_coupon->getCouponPrice($this->session->data['coupon']); $this->data['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price; } In the model public function getCouponPrice($data){ $coupon_product_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "coupon WHERE code = '" .$data . "'"); return $coupon_product_query->row;; ...