
Showing posts from March, 2011

Coupon Management in the Candid Site

Work I have Done on 2011-03-31 I have completed the coupon management. You can check the coupon management and the active code is 1111 which will deduce the $10 from the total amount. Started to work in the CSV of DGC. What i have learnt today?? Easiest way to integrate coupon code in the opencart In the controller if(isset($this->session->data['coupon'])){             $coupon_price= $this->model_checkout_coupon->getCouponPrice($this->session->data['coupon']);             $this->data['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;         }  In the model public function getCouponPrice($data){         $coupon_product_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "coupon WHERE code = '" .$data . "'");                 return $coupon_product_query->row;; ...

Started to work in DGC Pack 2011-03-21

Files are uploaded in the FTP now is online To visit the admin section and the user name is admin  and password is admin123 Some problems in understanding:  (after adding the product) What about Estimate Shipping in the cart I have not entered to the shipping and payment section I also want the details of them Likewise how do I display the price of the product and how are they managed in the backend. Hope I get the reviews . Thanking You

What i have done in 2011-03-06

2011-03-17 Candid shipping and tax information is done as you say. Have a look on it. Questions in DGC: Whether there are categories of products or not? Do we have only two pricing system or more pricing system? This shows for both customer or only for business customers List Price:$18.75 Our Price:$16.75 You Save: $2 Thanking You, 2011-03-06 Banner management in the back end is done I have studied the flow about the site and you have no options for the shipping methods Likewise there is no options of choosing payment methods I have discussed with the senior and find that if we kept the credit card information in our site then the customers may feel insecure to pay through the site. If we go through the flow of the site as we have seen previously then there will be more options than the one you are proposing. Hop you will understand the problems Thanking you

What i have done on

2011-02-13 Today I have almost complete the design of the pink site and its flow is as the black site. Sir I would like to know that whether the registered customer  is solely different from each site or the one who registered in one can login into other site also. There are errors in the left bar and image of product details. These errors will be solved when I know whether the registered customer is sole to the site or can use both with one user name and password. 2011-02-14 account login pages and search page's design is integrated. Product enlarging is done in the product details page Image Uploading in the user section of the pink site and other design and flow issues are debugged and solved Regarding for the color attribute: Check it: There are color and other attributes that are managed from the back end. Check it out if you like it let me know. The way you say is quite tedio...