How do I Scan for Viruses in DOS?
How do I Scan for Viruses in DOS? Download and Extract the SDAT Files 1. Click on the following link or type the URL into an Internet browser address bar: 2. Click the I Agree button (if needed) to verify you have a current support agreement with McAfee. 3. English users, please click the link named sdatxxxx.exe (where 'xxxx' replaces the current SDAT version number) and save the file to your C:\ Drive. 4. All others please select the appropriate localized language from the drop-down list, click the link named sdatxxxx.exe (where 'xxxx' replaces the current SDAT version number) and save it to your C:\ Drive. 5. From the Taskbar, select Start and then Run. 6. In the Open field, type command and click OK. A DOS command window will open. 7. Type CD\ and press Enter. You should now be at a C:\ prompt. 8. Type SDATXXXX.EXE /E C:\SDAT and press Enter. (Note: The 'x's sh...