
Showing posts with the label Computer Networking books n description

Way to unblock the facebook the url will direct the facebook and open it so try it and use it to unblock the facebook and use it properly and be more friendly with your friend

Digital Divide (especially dedicated to Preetam Balla)

The digital divide refers to the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology, and those with very limited or no access at all. It includes the imbalance both in physical access to technology and the resources and skills needed to effectively participate as a digital citizen. The term is commensurate with the term knowledge divide, both reflecting the access of various social groupings to information and knowledge, typically gender, income, race, and by location. The term global digital divide refers to differences in access between countries. There are several definitions of the Term. Bharat Mehra defines it simply as the troubling gap between those who use computers and the Internet and those who do not. More recently, some have used the term to refer to gaps in broadband network access.[3] The term can mean not only unequal access to computer hardware, but also inequalities between groups of people in the ability to use information technology fully....
1. Objectives: 1.To give idea that each process has the process ID. 2.To clearify that each child process again run with its own process ID. 3.To use the functions : getpid() ( to get its process id) and getppid() ( to get the process id of its parent) Source Code: #include #include int main() { int pid,ppid; pid=getpid(); ppid=getppid(); printf("The process ID is:%d\n",pid); printf("The parent process ID is:%d\n",ppid); return 0; } Output: 2.Objectives: 1.To give idea that a process can create a new sub process. 2.To clearify that a system can create a new process. (When it calls next process then the new process will have new process id). 3.To use the function : system() Source Code: #include int main() { int val; val=system("ls -l"); printf("Your request has been Done!\n"); return ; } Output: 3.Objectives: 1.To give idea that a process can create a new child process. 2.To clearify that when fork() is used it creates two versions of the program...

An Introduction to Red Hat Linux

An Introduction to Red Hat Linux Course Contents of Red Hat Linux – 1. File and Directory Operations 2. User Information 3. File Permissions 4. Linux File System Essentials 5. X-Window System and GUI application (introduction) 6. Standard I/O Pipes 7. String Processing 8. Process 9. VI editor 10. Bash Shell and Shell Scripting 11. Basic Network Clients Introduction An operating system (OS) is software designed to act as an interface between the computer and the user. It performs various important functions such as , • An OS is a command interpreter. It translates the high level language to machine language and vice versa. • An OS acts as process manager. There are various processes running simultaneously in a computer. The amount of time to be spent on a process by the CPU is decided by the OS. • An OS is a memory manager. As said above, there are various processes running simultaneously in a computer which require memory from CPU. The amount of memory to be allocated on certain proces...

CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking

Advanced Routing Protocols CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking Chapter 9 : Advanced Routing Protocols Objectives • Describe classful and classless routing protocols • Describe and configure RIPv2 • Describe and configure EIGRP