
Showing posts from December, 2018

Opencart objects defined, Opencart development tutorials

Predefined objects’ methods are functionalities which are already defined and you can use it directly. It prevents from DRY, which means Don't Repeat Yourself. Don’t write code unless you have to. Write code only what you need, if you missed these predefined objects’ methods then you may repeat codes. You can find predefined objects’ methods at system/library Opencart has many predefined objects’ methods that can be called in Controller and Model.  Like in admin section we can see predefined objects like: config, log, event, load, request, response, db, session, cache, url, langauge, openbay, document, customer, currency, tax, weight, length, cart, encryption, model_setting_event, user. Database Object of Opencart is $this->db Methods are: $this->db->escape($value) - mysql_real_escape_string() on the value passed $this->db->countAffected() - rows affected by an UPDATE query $this->db->getLastId() - last auto increment id same as mysql_i...

How to create the database table in OpenCart?

How to create the database table in OpenCart? Video tutorial - Opencart Development Things to consider while creating the database OpenCart supports multistore It supports multi-language Multiple Layouts oc_ is default database prefix if you have not customized one. If you are creating table then better to make 4 tables, one which will contain language specific contents here oc_information_description, another is non-language specific oc_information and other which joins with the store and last one which joins to layout. Another database table to take into consideration is seo_url if you are creating new pages, if you are creating only for module then it may not be used Transcript, code and ppt at:

Installing OpenCart Vesrion - Opencart Development tutorials Video 2

 Download OpenCart files from  Create a database Upload files and folders Create config files one at root folder and another inside admin/ folder.  Steps to create custom URL to work locally Go to the URL If you see any other errors then you have to solve them. One could curl disabled which you have to enable from php.ini Delete the install folder, if you rename the folder then you are a by-passing error message but there will be security holes remained in that folder so the hacker can find it easily and exploit your database so strongly recommended to delete the install folder after installation is complete.

Opencart Development tutorials Video 1

Introduction and Table of Contents What is OpenCart? Why OpenCart? Features of OpenCart Prerequisites Downloading example code Details: Opencart Free modules : PPT at: