
How to make income statement while aplying for the visa

   Date Dec 6, 2005 To Whom It May Concern This is to certify that Mr ........................ and his spouce Mrs. ............., their son Mr. ................. are the permanent resident of ..................(address). They have the following income from various sources. S. No. Sources of Income Proprietor/ Owner Monthly Income (Nrs.) Annual Income (Nrs.) 1. House Rent Mr ................. 5,000.00 60,000.00 2. Pension Mr..................... 8,681.00 112,853.00 4 Job Salary Mr ....................... 8,000.00 104,000.00 Mrs .......................... 15,461.53 201.000.00 Total --.00 In words ---- Exchange Rate: AUD1 = Rs. 54.00 Equivalent to AUD --- In wods AUD----------------------only ------------ -------------- CA

Vacancy in Dubai

Has been removed because my author copied from other :)

Yesto pani huna sakcha....... A letter from Preetam to computer technician

Yesto pani huna sakcha....... -------------------------------------------- A letter from Preetam to computer technician -------------------------------------------- Dear Tech Support,Computer husband joke Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0. What I have noticed is a slow down in the performance of the flower and jewellery applications, which had operated flawlessly under the Boyfriend 5.0 system. In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.9, but installed undesirable programs such as Sport 7.3, NFL 3.2 and Tennis 4.1. Conversation 8.0 also no longer runs and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Your faithfully Desperate Preetam --------------------------- Reply from Tech Support --------------------------- Dear Desperate Susan, First, keep in mind that Boyfriend 5.0 was an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operat...

Ajax Pagination

  Change the file path and the path must be absolute   Change the $qry, where $qry is the query that you want to retrive the data from the database   Change the $starting if you want to change the first starting in most cases it is 0    Change the $recpage the record per page   To change the design change the designpage.php   To change the search form the testpage.php   To change the design of the pagenumber check in the pagination_class.php   No. of pages showing in the left and right side of the current page in the anchors can be changed with the change of the $anchor value at the pagination_class.php     If you dont like to show the next>>previous>> first >>last link then comment in paginaton_class.php   if($previous //$anc .= " First "; //$anc .= " Previous "; }else{ //$anc .= " First "; //$anc .= " Previous "; }     ajax pagination, simple ajax pagination, paginati...

To control the view section of the MVC framework in PHP (Part 1 of 5)

class View {     function showGrid($data)     {         include_once ('components/product_category/views/grid.php');     }         function showForm($obj_,$cdata)     {         include_once ('components/product_category/views/form.php');     } } ?>

To list the product category from the database in PHP with the use of MVC framework (Part 5 of 5)

Product Categories                             Add New Category              

Form to show editable part and insert section in MVC of PHP(Part 2 of 5)

Untitled Document <?php $cmd = ''; if(isset($obj_)) { $cmd = 'update'; $btnText = 'Save'; } else { $cmd = 'insert'; $btnText = 'Add'; } ?> <div class="heading">Add/Edit Categories</div> <form method="post" onsubmit="return submitbutton('', 'f');" id="f" name="f" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="?menu=<?php echo $_REQUEST['menu']; ?>&p=<?php echo $_REQUEST['p']; ?>&p_sub=list&opt_view=<?php echo $cmd; ?>&edit_id=<?php echo $_GET['edit_id']; ?>"> <table width='50%' class='tblList' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <tr class="tr_1"> <td style='padding-left:3px; width: 100px;'>Title </td> <td> <input type="text" required="1" id="title" title="Title" name=...