
Simple hooking to catch the error in the jquery ajax

Complete and success difference in the jquery ajax, how to find errors in the jquery or in ajax, jquery and ajax error handlers, find php errors in jquery or in ajax

Rupak have following module available

I have bought following module for my client so I can now implement for other client also. Module of Opencart: FEDEX module Bring Module for Norway DIBS Payment Module Facebook Login Module So on.. More at

Rupak have following module available

I have bought following module for my client so I can now implement for other client also. Module of Opencart: FEDEX module Bring Module for Norway DIBS Payment Module Facebook Login Module So on.. More at

Facebook things done by Rupak Nepali

How to make facebook like button for the dynamic page <iframe style="overflow: hidden; border: 0px none; width: 120px; height: 35px;" src="//<?php echo urlencode(" http://%22.$_server[%22server_name%22].$_server[%22request_uri/ "]); ?>&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=150&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;layout=button_count"></iframe> In this <iframe make space for the facebook to comunicate with the site style="overflow: hidden; border: 0px none; width: 120px; height: 35px;" style for the frame's data src="//<?php echo urlencode(" http://%22.$_server[%22server_name%22].$_server[%22request_uri/ "]); ?> source file to be liked. <?php echo urlencode(" http://%22.$_server[%22server_name%22].$_server[%22request_uri/ "]); ?> url that we inserted other are optional f...

Collection of function and objects

currency: set($currency): Set the currency to be used in overall site. public function set($currency) {                 $this->code = $currency;                 if ((!isset($this->session->data['currency'])) || ($this->session->data['currency'] != $currency)) {                                 $this->session->data['currency'] = $currency;                 }                 if ((!isset($this->request->cookie['currency'])) || ($this->request->cookie['currency'] != $currency)) {          ...