
Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL

Oracle 9i DBA Track-4 Exams OCA Exam #1Z0-007 Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL Exam #1Z0-031- Oracle 9i Database Fundamentals I OCP Exam #1Z0-032- Oracle 9i Database Fundamentals II Exam #1Z0-033- Oracle 9i Database: Performance Tuning Introduction to Oracle 9i: SQL Writing Basic SQL Select statements List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements Execute a basic SELECT statement Differentiate between SQL statements and SQL *Plus commands Restricting and sorting Data Limit the rows retrieved by a query Sort the rows retrieved by a query Single Row Functions Describe various types of functions available in SQL Use character, number and date functions in SELECT statements Use conversion functions Displaying data from multiple tables Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equal

What are the functions of functions key in Computer from F1 to F12?

What are the functions of functions key in Computer? F1 to F12 Answer: Commonly known as "function keys", F1 through F12 may have a variety of different uses or no use at all. Depending on the installed operating system and the software program currently open will change how each of these keys operate. A program is capable of not only using each of the function keys, but also combining the function keys with the ALT and/or CTRL keys, for example, Microsoft Windows users can press ALT + F4 to close the program currently active. Below is a short-listing of some of the common functions of the functions keys on computers running Microsoft Windows. As mentioned above not all programs support function keys and/or may perform different tasks then those mentioned below. If you are looking for more specific shortcut keys and function key examples we suggest seeing our shortcut key page. F1 * Almost always used as the help key, almost every program will open the help screen when t

Comparison Conditions

Comparison Conditions = > >= < <= <> BETWEEN…AND… IN(set) LIKE IS NULL We can display rows based on a range of values using the BETWEEN range condition. The range that we specify contains a lower limit and an upper limit. To test for values in a specified set of values, use the IN condition. The IN condition is also known as the membership condition. We may not always know the exact value to search for. We can select rows that match a character pattern by using the LIKE condition. The character pattern-matching operation is referred to as a wildcard search. Two symbols can be used to construct the search string. Ie. %(zero or more characters) and _ (single character). The NULL conditions include the IS NULL condition and the IS NOT NULL condition. The IS NULL condition tests for nulls. A null value means the value is unavailable, unassigned, unknown

Primary key constraints

Primary key constraints This constraint avoids duplication of rows and does not allow NULL values, when enforced in a column or set of columns. A a result it is used to identify a row. A table can have only one primary key. If a primary key constraint is assigned to more than one column(i.e) or combination of columns it is said to be a composite primary key (or simply a composite key), which can contain a maximum of 16 columns. Primary key constraint cannot be defined in an alter table command when the table contains rows having NULL values. Run and Check your out put - select * from emp; - select deptno, dname, loc from dept; - select empno, ename, salary, hiredate from emp; - select ename,salary, salary+100 from emp; - select ename, salary, (salary*12)+100 from emp; - select ename,slary, (salary*12)+comm. from emp; - select ename,salary, (salary*12)+nvl(comm,0) from emp; - s
Hello, world! ]]>

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