Question colection of database part iii

Brief Answer Questions: [1.5x10=15]

  1. List out the three major disadvantages of File Processing System.
  2. Define strong entity and weak entity.
  3. What do you mean by Integrity Constraints?
  4. Describe one-to-many relationship with suitable example.
  5. Give syntax for ‘group by’ and ‘order by’ clause.
  6. What is specialization and generalization?
  7. Differentiate between Cartesian product operation and Natural join operation in relation algebra.
  8. Define the difference between HAVING and WHERE clause with example.
  9. Define Domain with example.
  10. Give different symbols of ER Diagram with name.

Short Answer Questions: [5x3=15]

  1. Explain Data Model in DBMS.
  2. Explain the major advantages of DBMS over file processing system.
  3. Draw an ER Diagram for Library Management System with at least four entity sets and assume required attributes.


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