Question colection of database part iii
Brief Answer Questions: [1.5x10=15]
- List out the three major disadvantages of File Processing System.
- Define strong entity and weak entity.
- What do you mean by Integrity Constraints?
- Describe one-to-many relationship with suitable example.
- Give syntax for ‘group by’ and ‘order by’ clause.
- What is specialization and generalization?
- Differentiate between Cartesian product operation and Natural join operation in relation algebra.
- Define the difference between HAVING and WHERE clause with example.
- Define Domain with example.
- Give different symbols of ER Diagram with name.
Short Answer Questions: [5x3=15]
- Explain Data Model in DBMS.
- Explain the major advantages of DBMS over file processing system.
- Draw an ER Diagram for Library Management System with at least four entity sets and assume required attributes.
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