Test Account setting of DIBS and making it live
For test acount you need
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="yes" />
You can get the document in the following link
One error that i have face is the
No Paytype(s) test parameter missing
in mine this error was due to the Merchant Id different that the real one.
Test credit cart i have use is
Card number for the VISA:4711100000000000
Month: 06
Year: 24
This work for to check that the payment is successful.
Code i have used
<form action="https://payment.architrade.com/paymentweb/start.action" method="post" id="checkout">
<input type="hidden" name="merchant" value="---------" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="123456" />
<input type="hidden" name="currency" value="578" />
<input type="hidden" name="orderid" value="12345" />
<input type="hidden" name="accepturl" value="success.php" />
<input type="hidden" name="cancelurl" value="cancel.php" />
<input type="hidden" name="callbackurl" value="success.php" />
<input type="hidden" name="calcfee" value="yes" />
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="yes" />
<input type="submit" />
Remove this line to make the site live
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="yes" />
Your own test
With the help of our test system, virtually any situation imaginable can be tested prior to going online.Test mode start-up
To place DIBS in the test mode, two things must be carried out first:- Your shop should have activated the test mode with DIBS. New shops always start with the test mode activated, but the test mode is deactivated as soon as the shop goes “live” (so test cards can no longer be used). If you wish to activate the test mode again at a later date, this can be arranged by contacting us at support(at)dibs.dk.
- A CGI variable must be declared, which notifies DIBS that tests are being conducted. This variable is inserted as a “hidden field” together with the other variables:
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="foo"/>
If you have integrated the capture functionality with the help of DIBS-API, it is also possible to test this communication.
Test module structure
The module is set up so that certain card numbers give certain replies. If a card number, contrary to those described below, is inadvertently sent, the reply will be “Rejected by acquirer”. Examples of other error codes are:- Card type not accepted by this shop
- Order ID must be unique
- Too few amount fields for split payments
- Control numbers are required by this shop
- Card does not match the card type shown
Test card numbers
Below is a list of card numbers relating to various card types which return different error types (or are approved) so you can test your own system’s reactions to these errors.Test card numbers are composed of a prefix and a postfix. The prefix indicates the card type and the postfix indicates the desired result. I.e.:
Test card number = prefix + postfix
Example of a 4-numeral prefix:
You wish to test the authorization of a Dankort, and to have it approved:
Prefix for Dankort: 5019
Code for approval: 100000000000
Test-Dankort with an approved authorization: 5019100000000000
List of prefixes
Card | Prefix | Card type | Test cards which will be approved |
Dankort | 5019 | DK | 5019100000000000 |
VISA/Dankort | 4571 | V-DK | 4571100000000000 |
VISA (SE) | 402005 | VISA(SE) | 4020051000000000 |
VISA | 4711 | VISA | 4711100000000000 |
Eurocard/Mastercard (DK) | 541303 | MC(DK) | 5413031000000000 |
Eurocard/Mastercard (SE) | 512586 | MC(SE) | 5125861000000000 |
Eurocard/Mastercard | 5100 | MC | 5100100000000000 |
Diners Club (DK) *) | 361480 | DIN(DK) | 36148010000000 |
Diners Club *) | 3040 | DIN | 30401000000000 |
American Express (DK) | 3747 | AMEX(DK) | 3747100000000000 |
American Express | 3700 | AMEX | 3700100000000000 |
Maestro (DK) | 676927 | MTRO(DK) | 6769271000000000 |
Maestro | 5020 | MTRO | 5020100000000000 |
VISA Electron | 417500 | ELEC | 4175001000000000 |
JCB | 3528 | JCB | 3528100000000000 |
Forbrugsforeningen | 600722 | FFK | 6007221000000000 |
Card number | Expiry date | CVC | Reason | Result |
100000000000 | 06/24 | 684 | Approved | |
000000000000 | 06/24 | 684 | 0 | Rejected by acquirer |
000000000001 | 06/24 | 684 | 1 | Communication problems |
000000000002 | 06/24 | 684 | 2 | Error at DIBS |
000000000003 | 06/24 | 684 | 3 | Error at acquirer |
000000000004 | 06/24 | 684 | 4 | Card expired |
Card number | Expiry date | CVC | Reason |
100000000000 | 06/24 | 684 | Approved |
100000000001 | 06/24 | 684 | Rejected by acquirer |
100000000002 | 06/24 | 684 | Rejected by acquirer |
100000000003 | 06/24 | 684 | Card expired |
100000000004 | 06/24 | 684 | Rejected by acquirer |
100000000005 | 06/24 | 684 | Authorization outdated |
100000000006 | 06/24 | 684 | Incorrect status in DIBS |
Invoice Testing
PayByBill Testing - Norway
You can conduct tests of an invoice transaction using the following test data for the Norwegian market. It may also be possible to perform test transactions with a valid social security number & postal address, but this is not recommended. Rating requirement for an order to be accepted is 35.1. Name TESTDAME PETRA – Rating 81
Social security number: 18106500076
Street address: SOFIENBERGGATE 56
Postal address: 0563 OSLO
2. Name: TESTMANN PETTER – Rating 81
Social security number: 18106500157
Street address: HUNDREMETERSKOGEN 100
Postal address: 0563 OSLO
3. Name: HANSEMANN HANS – Rating 75
Social security number: 12053400068
Street address: HANSEGATEN 17
Postal address: 0567 OSLO
4. Name: NOFF NASSE – Rating -3
Social security number: 18126500137
Street address: HUNDREMETERSKOGEN 100
Postal address: 0303 OSLO
PayByBill Testing - Sweden
You can conduct tests of an invoice transaction using the following test data for the Swedish market.Social security number – 7804166721, 5904201380, 8301153550, 6604257292, 6112030215, 6608152994, 8312106639, 6804289509, 8506306607 Postnummer - 12345
Handelsbanken Finans Invoice Testing - Sweden
Test results
When testing Handelsbanken Finans invoice it is the total order sum amount that determines the credit decision depending of the last digit according to the table below. If the numbers below aren't used the credit answer is "Authorization OK". Last number/digit of the total order sum amount | Credit decision |
8 | Denied |
9 | Technical error |
Test persons
You are free to use any correct Swedish "personnummer" and then decide the credit decsision depending on the amount you send. You will be returned a random name with an address. If you send the same "personnummer" again at a later time, the same name and address will be returned.It is recommended to use the following test persons that have predefined names and addresses.
"Swedish personnummer" | Name and Adress |
Collect PayPort Invoice Testing
Below are swedish and norwegian test data for approved and declined transactions.
Swedish test data:
Approved "Swedish test personnummer" | Name and Adress |
670927-2691 | Peter Palm Ahlbergers Väg 7B 611 38 NYKÖPING |
531010-1018 | Ulf Testsson Sturegatan 3 Plan 7 Prod Ut 172 31 SUNDBYBERG |
Rejected "Swedish test personnummer" | Name and Adress |
300823-9190 | Leave these fields empty |
300823-9190 | Leave these fields empty |
Norwegian test data:
Approved "Norwegian test personnummer" | Name and Adress |
03028711300 | Hans Westby Strandgaten 6 1523 MOSS |
07077349841 | Ingeborg Karlsen Postboks 52 5141 FYLLINGSDALEN |
Rejected "Norwegian test personnummer" | Name and Adress |
23077517375 | Leave these fields empty |
13116311229 | Leave these fields empty |
SveaWebPay Testing
Swedish person test data:
Approved payment :5501011000
Rejected payment : 5501021009
Fraud: 6601010009
Insufficent funds payment: 7701010006
Swedish company test data:
Approved payment 5501031008
Rejected payment : 5501041007
Fraud: 6601010009
Insufficent funds payment: 7701010006
Norwegian person test data:
Approved payment 17054512066
Rejected payment : 14077421433
Fraud: 22084419684
Insufficent funds payment: 30036549854
Norwegian company test data:
Approved payment 923313850
Rejected payment : 842852102
Fraud: 812345672
Insufficent funds payment: 931024280
ssn: 4304158399Name: Karl
Last name: Lidin
Adress: Junibacksg 42
Postal code: 23634
City: Hollviken
Country: Sverige
Thanking You
Rupak Nepali
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